Birchard Books
Bill Birchard—Writing and Book Consultant
Ready to write a book?
Sunday, March 8, 2020
Most professionals dream of writing a book. If you’re one of them, it’s a good idea to ask yourself some probing questions before starting. My list of questions is below. Rate yourself on a scale of 1–10. Tally your score. Decide for yourself if you’re ready to roll.
1. Do I believe passionately in my book’s message?
10 I believe it in my heart and gut.
1 I find it interesting.
2. Does my message reflect me as a person?
10 It embodies my personal and professional philosophy.
1 It reflects an interesting worldview.
3. Can I commit the time to complete the book?
10 I have 1,500 hours of work time to commit.
1 I have a few nights and a few weekends, perhaps 20 hours a month.
4. Do I have a core book-reading audience that cares about my message?
10 Every professional in my field wants this book.
1 I’m unsure, but I think a lot of people would benefit from the book.
5. If the book doesn’t sell well, can I risk losing the money I invest in it?
10 I don’t need to make money on the book.
1 I need to earn the equivalent of a full salary.
6. Will my book be timely upon publication—two years from now?
10 My book taps into a perennial or rapidly growing trend.
1 I’m not sure my book will be timely in a year or two.
7. Does my book idea stand out from similar ones?
10 I can tell you ten ways my book is unlike others.
1 My book is just like others, but it will be a lot better.
8. Do I understand how to develop and write a book-length manuscript?
10 I understand the steps in book development.
1 I don’t know the steps, but I’m sure I can do it.
9. Am I willing to make personal sacrifices to get the book done?
10 My friends and family will gladly approve of my absence.
1 My family and friends take priority over everything else.
10. Do I have a way to market my book?
10 I host a radio talk show and run a public-speaking and seminar series.
1 I don’t have any professional network to tap.
What’s your tally? If you get a 70 or higher, you’re probably ready. If not, you may need to think and prepare better. Authorship is immensely rewarding, but going into it with your eyes open makes it much more gratifying.
[Revised January 2020. Originally published January 22, 2010]